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Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

Info Beasiswa 2014

Informasi beasiswa untuk lulusan SMA 2014, BII bersama Maybank Foundation menyelenggarakan program beasiswa penuh bernama “BII-Maybank Foundation Scholarship” yang memberikan kesempatan bagi putra-putri terbaik bangsa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan tingkat Sarjana (S1) di universitas terkemuka di Indonesia, Singapura dan Malaysia.
Adapun beasiswa ini mencakup biaya pendidikan, biaya hidup, laptop, tunjangan buku & internet dan asuransi kesehatan selama 4 tahun masa studi.
Tahun ini, kami membuka kembali “BII-Maybank Foundation Scholarship” Batch II bekerja sama dengan 9 universitas negeri terkemuka di Indonesia yaitu:
1. Univ Indonesia
2. Inst Pertanian Bogor
3. Univ Padjajaran
4. Inst Teknologi Bandung
5. Univ Gadjah Mada
6. Univ Brawijaya
7. Unive Airlangga
8. Instit Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
9. Univ Hasanuddin
Besar harapan kami, program ini juga dapat mendukung rekan-rekan di daerah dalam mencerdaskan putra-putri maupun sanak saudara.
Kami lampirkan formulir pendaftaran atau informasi selengkapnya dapat diakses melalui


Minggu, 10 Agustus 2014

Info CPNS 2014

Pendaftaran CPNS 2014 direncanakan akan dilakukan pada minggu ke 3 bulan juli ini, Namun dari berita terbaru yang didapatkan pendaftaran calon pegawai negri sipil ini diundur sampai tanggal 29 Agustus 2014, Alasan mundurnya pendaftaran ini karena data tambahan formasi CPNS masing-masing instansi belum lengkap.
Untuk para pejabat pembina kepegawaian (PPK), baik pusat maupun daerah diminta oleh Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (Kemenpan dan RB) untuk segera menyampaikan rincian usulan tambahan formasi aparatur sipil negara (ASN), terutama PNS, paling lambat 24 Juli 2014
“Rincian itu diperlukan agar persetujuan dari Menteri bisa dilaksanakan sesuai jadwal,” ujar Deputi Sumber Daya Manusia Kemenpan dan RB, Setiawan Wangsaatmadja, dalam siaran pers. Jika jadwal itu bisa ditepati, instansi yang membuka lowongan CPNS bisa mulai membuka pengumuman antara tanggal 11 dan 24 Agustus 2014. Tahapan selanjutnya adalah pendaftaran online di pada tanggal 25-29 Agustus 2014.
Sementara itu, pelaksanaan seleksi tes kemampuan dasar dan tes kemampuan bidang akan dilakukan pada 1 September 2014 sampai selesai. Lamanya pelaksanaan tergantung jumlah pelamar dan kapasitas computer assisted test (CAT). Setelahnya, instansi wajib mengumumkan peserta yang lulus melalui media online atau cetak. Namun, jadwal ini masih bersifat sementara dan bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu.
Semoga pendaftaran CPNS 2014 ini tidak akan mundur lagi dari jadwal yang sudah ditempatkan yakni pada tanggal 29 Agustus 2014 ini.

Yg Mau Daftar CPNS, Berikut ALamat Website Kementerian Yg Akan Membuka Lowongan CPNS dari JaLur Umum Thn 2014 BLn Ags Tgl 11 s\d 20:
Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Polhukam :
Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kesra : http://www.menkokesra.go.id3/ Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian :
Kementerian Dalam Negeri :
Kementerian Luar Negeri :
Kementerian Pertahanan :
Kementerian Hukum dan HAM :
Kementerian Keuangan :
Kementerian ESDM :
Kementerian Perindustrian :
Kementerian Perdagangan :
Kementerian Pertanian :
Kementerian Kehutanan :
Kementerian Perhubungan :
Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan :
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi :
Kementerian Kesehatan :
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum :
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan :
Kementerian Sosial : Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif :
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup :
Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak :
Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional :
Kementerian PANRB :
Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal :
Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat :
Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga :
Kementerian Sekretariat Negara :

Analysis Novel

Title : Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / by J. K. Rowling

J.K Rowling moved to London and worked as a researcher at Amnesty International among other jobs.
….Started writing the Harry Potter series during a delayed Manchester to London King’s Cross train journey.
…. recipient of numerous awards and honorary degrees including the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord
….. lives in Edinburgh with her husband and three children.
Other books include : Harry Potter & the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Genre : 1. Wizards — Fiction, detective, and fantasy.
341 pages
Language : easy to read and can understand the reader
Plot or point of view :
It is about a boy named Harry who is a wizard. He goes to a wizard school called Hogwalts, which is basically a castle with surrounding lakes and forest. Harry lives in a family of non-magic people who wizards call Muggles. His parents died when he was child, and he was left with his mother's sister. He was never liked by them.

Key of elements of the plot :
Harry Potter is in his second year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is visited by a house-elf named Dobby and warned not to go back to Hogwarts. Harry ignores his warning, and returns. He is still famous, although still disliked by Snape, Malfoy, and the rest of the Slytherins. But then, strange things start to happen. People are becoming petrified, and no-one knows what is doing it. Harry keeps hearing a voice.. a voice which seems to be coming from within the walls. They are told the story of the Chamber of Secrets. Harry, Ron, and Hermione discovered the chamber of secret.

Reaction to the book :
-       Yes, I enjoy read this book. Because this book show the adventure and the power of wizard, so I can imagine it.
-       Of course, I’ll read another book by the same author.
-       Yes, I recommended this book to my classmate.

One or two of the following topics :
-       One characters that interest for me :
Harry potter who againts Tom Riddle at last time.

-       One characters that I like and identify :
Dobby is a house elf. He has bat-like ears and
Bulging green eyes the size of tennis balls. His tall just 2 feet.
-       This not the personal experience from the author.
-    Large issues is members of the school are turning up petrified and bloody writing are appearing on the walls, revealing to everyone, that someone has opened the chamber of secrets.

    To know about the novel, you can download novel in here.

Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014

Analysis Poetry

So We'll Go No More a Roving

So, we'll go no more a roving
  So late into the night,
Though the heart be still as loving,
  And the moon be still as bright.
For the sword outwears its sheath,
  And the soul wears out the breast,
And the heart must pause to breathe,
  And love itself have rest.
Though the night was made for loving,
  And the day returns too soon,
Yet we'll go no more a roving
  By the light of the moon.
by George Gordon, Lord Byron

Lines 1-2

The word "rove" means "wander" or "roam."  There's a "we," so it's possible talking to somebody else (a buddy, a girlfriend). "so we'll go no more a roving. He could be saying his life is drawing to a close, that the time for play is over, and that he must prepare for old age and death. So late into the night." it's time stop wandering around aimlessly late into the night.

Lines 3-4

The point of "still as loving” mean “heart is very much alive” that’s mean very much emotionally ready to go. Word “rove” same with “love”. Even though “the moon is still really bright” (meaning they still be able to see). Well why stop roving when the heart still wants to, meaning there comes a time when you have to stop “wandering and messing around” or we can say “very subtly” or “the approach of death”. Sure, the poem talk about fears of getting old and fears of "roving".

The meter of " So We'll Go No More a Roving ", there are two kinds of meter :
·         Check line 1: “So We'll Go No More a Roving that’s iambic trimeter.
·         Check line 4: “And the moon be still as brightthat’s Anapestic iambic trimeter

The poem is printed in three stanzas of four lines each, these are called quatrains. The poem also rhymes, with a rhyme scheme that looks like this: ABAB.
So, we'll go no more a roving                                                             A
So late into the night,                                                                         B
Though the heart be still as loving,                                                     A
And the moon be still as bright.                                                         B

Figurative language
“ So We'll Go No More a Roving “ has one figurative language. That is Metaphor.

Roving means wandering or roaming; it is associated in this poem with youth and symbolizes a host of youthful or childish activities that one outgrows.
Lines 1-2: The speaker says he'll go no more a roving so late into the night. In other words, he's not going to stay out late getting crazy anymore. Roving here symbolizes youthful and purposeless activities.
The night
It literally talks a lot about nighttime, the time of the day that is ideal for roving, the time when loving goes down.
Lines 1-2: The speaker says they'll go no more a roving late into the night. 

Subject matter
The subject matter of this poem is about”LOVE”

The theme of this poem is “the approach of death”

The speaker has decided to call it a day, with his partying and wandering around at night. He still sort of wants to be out there, having a great time, and darn, that moon is still beckoning to him. At some point, though, it gets old. It's kind of like getting new shoes when you're young; your feet get bigger, and it's time to get new ones. Same idea here, only instead of new shoes, it's new ways to spend one's time ("older" ways).