Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014

English Conversation

Definition of Classroom Interaction is a practice that enhances the development of two very important language skills which are speaking and listening among the learners.

Types Of Classroom Interaction
Classroom interaction consists of two types: non-verbal interaction and verbal interaction. Non-verbal interaction is related to behavioral responses in class. It means students interact through their behaviors such as head nodding, hand raising, body gestures, and eye contact. Verbal interaction, on the contrary, contains written interaction and oral interaction. Written interaction is the style of interaction in which students write out their ideas, thoughts. It means they interact with others through written words, documents and so forth. By contrast, oral interaction implies that students interact with others by speaking in class, answering and asking questions, making comments, and taking part in discussions. they are reading aloud, conversation, role-play and question and answer.

Example of Classroom Interaction


Full Class
·         Students compete with other students by having the correct answer when its their turn.
·         Students are allowed to call out hints or clued when a student is having difficulty finding the right answer.
·         The entire class recites answers in unison

·         Subgroups compete against each other as opposing teams.
·         Subgroups work on different but related aspects of a topic combining their results into a final report to the class.
·         Each subgroup completes its own assigned topic, which is independent of the topics assigned the other subgroups, no shared report is given to the class.

·         Individuals compete with each other by having to respond to the same question.
·         The quickest most accurate response "wins".
·         Pairs of individuals cooperate by exchanging papers, sharing responses, or correcting each other's errors.
·         Individuals complete seat work on their own without direct teacher involvement.

In this parth of Classroom Interaction, I choose the types of Classroom Interaction is conversation. I want to share a video only, because  according to me, the video can make a students more interesting after they are watching a video. A video can be downloaded in here

Take from English Conversation of Extensive Speaking. 

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