
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -


Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -


Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -


Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -


Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014

English Conversation

Definition of Classroom Interaction is a practice that enhances the development of two very important language skills which are speaking and listening among the learners.

Types Of Classroom Interaction
Classroom interaction consists of two types: non-verbal interaction and verbal interaction. Non-verbal interaction is related to behavioral responses in class. It means students interact through their behaviors such as head nodding, hand raising, body gestures, and eye contact. Verbal interaction, on the contrary, contains written interaction and oral interaction. Written interaction is the style of interaction in which students write out their ideas, thoughts. It means they interact with others through written words, documents and so forth. By contrast, oral interaction implies that students interact with others by speaking in class, answering and asking questions, making comments, and taking part in discussions. they are reading aloud, conversation, role-play and question and answer.

Example of Classroom Interaction


Full Class
·         Students compete with other students by having the correct answer when its their turn.
·         Students are allowed to call out hints or clued when a student is having difficulty finding the right answer.
·         The entire class recites answers in unison

·         Subgroups compete against each other as opposing teams.
·         Subgroups work on different but related aspects of a topic combining their results into a final report to the class.
·         Each subgroup completes its own assigned topic, which is independent of the topics assigned the other subgroups, no shared report is given to the class.

·         Individuals compete with each other by having to respond to the same question.
·         The quickest most accurate response "wins".
·         Pairs of individuals cooperate by exchanging papers, sharing responses, or correcting each other's errors.
·         Individuals complete seat work on their own without direct teacher involvement.

In this parth of Classroom Interaction, I choose the types of Classroom Interaction is conversation. I want to share a video only, because  according to me, the video can make a students more interesting after they are watching a video. A video can be downloaded in here

Take from English Conversation of Extensive Speaking. 

Kamis, 24 Juli 2014

Vocabulary "The Importance of Enriching Vocabulary"

Prefixes and Suffixes

Prefixes and suffixes are grammatical and lingual "affixes". Prefixes are affixed before and suffixes after a base word or word stem to add information. For example, with the word "prehistorict", and the prefix is "pre-" meaning "before," the base word is "history" meaning "recorded event and knowledge", and the suffix is "-ic" meaning "relating to the science of."
In other words, "prefix" simply refers to an attachment before or in front of, in this case, a shorter word or stem. In lingual terms, a "stem" is the main part of a word to which prefixes and suffixes can be added and may not necessarily be a word itself, such as "dod" in "doddle."
Similarly, "suffix" refers to an attachment after the end of an existing word or stem, serving to form a new word or functioning as an inflectional ending, for example, “s” or “es” to make for plurality.

Is an Affix a Single Syllable?

No, a prefix or suffix can be one or more syllables, depending on the root word from Latin or Greek or from any one of a host of other English lingual influences.

Inflectional Suffixes

Are Endings such as "-ed," "-ing," and "-s" Suffixes?

Yes, endings that are create different forms of the same word are called "inflectional suffixes." There are very few inflectional suffixes but they occur rather frequently. They are:
-s, -es, -ies


3rd person singular present

past tense

past participle

plural (irregular)




negative (contraction)

Derivational Suffixes

Are Endings such as "-ism," "-ful," and "-fy" Suffixes?

Endings that change the meaning of the word are called "derivational suffixes." Some are:

forms a noun










-ise, -ize

Derivational suffixes can combine, providing flexibility in creating other words, but such activity can lead to spelling complications. For example, "-ity" can combine with "-able," but the result is "-ability" (desirability, predictability), and when "-ly" is added to a word ending in "-ic" to make an adverb, the result is usually "-ically" (historically, mechanically).
Compound words
Compound words, especially through word matching games, is fun for kids. Plus compound words help kids grasp language structure and increase their interest in words, especially prefixes, suffixes and word roots.
Compound words exist in many languages and offer great insight into the inner workings of each language, including the basic building blocks such as prefixes, suffixes and word roots. In English, there are three forms of compound words: closed form (notebook), hyphenated form (mother-in-law), and open form (real estate).
Students find it fun to learn compound words and practice English vocabulary with fun compound word games. Teachers can best prepare their students by making lists of compound words organized by level. There are excellent resources for creating worksheets for compound words for first grade and activities for compound words for second grade online. Teachers wanting to prepare lesson plans on compound words for third grade classroom activities or compound words for fourth grade can also find what they need effortlessly. Teaching more complex compound words for fifth grade and creating exercises for compound words for sixth grade requires more targeted worksheets and games, also readily available.
ESL students and ESL teachers also find great value in the material, as both printable worksheets and fun online games are available to study compound words. Because they are such an integral part of the English language, it is common to find compound words on standardized tests.
Some examples of compound words include:
* Noun-Noun Compounds: fireman, newsstand, pigtail, ladybug, classroom
* Noun-Verb Compounds: breastfeeding, finger-pointing
* Verb-Noun Compounds: spoilsport, killjoy, breakfast, pickpocket, crossword
* Verb-Verb Compounds: go and do, up and leave
* Verb-Adverb Compounds: drop-out, fall-out, camp-out
* Adverb-Verb Compounds: intake, backtrack, backdrop, foreground
* Adjective-Noun Compounds: hardware, software, blackboard, shortchange
* Adjective-Verb Compounds: blacklist, shortchange 

Take from Vocabulary book from Mr. Choirul Huda.

Senin, 21 Juli 2014

RPP Bahasa Inggris SMK

Ditahun 2014 banyak sekolah yang sudah menerapkan kurikulum 2013. Sylabus, RPP dan Students Worksheet sangatlah penting di dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dalam kurikulum 2013 agar suatu proses pembelajaran dapat berjalan sesuai waktu yang telah kita sesuaikan. Disini saya akan memposting contoh Sylabus, RPP dan Students Worksheet bahasa Inggris yang telah saya buat yang mungkin dapat membantu atau menolong teman - teman khususnya untuk SMK. 
Berikut Contoh RPP SMK yang saya buat, silahkan di download dan Sylabus mari di download.
Semoga postingan saya dapat menolong dan membantu teman - teman.

Minggu, 20 Juli 2014



In English the term semantic refleted meaning a point in a semantic presented by a member of the American Philological Association in 1894. In French M. Breal created the term semantique from Greek language and was publshed semantics “ studies in the science of meaning” in 1900. In French was published in 1987. In 1923, C.K. Ogden and I. A. Richard published “The Meaning of Meaning.
Semantics and Linguistics
1.         Semantics as a level of linguistics.
Semantic is a component or level of lingustic, the other level which consist of phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax.
2.         Language  as communication system.
As communication, language is related with something to be communicated a message and something that communicates, a set of signs or symbol.
3.         Other communication system.
4.         A communicative system.
Semantics is empiral.
From requirement that is linguistics must be empirical, and also the semantics. It is easy to apply in method of speaking because it has verified by observation. Yet there is no simple way of dealing with semantics.
Semantics Concerning Generalization.
Linguistics as science is not concerned specific instances, but with generalization. Ferdinand de Saussure state the distiction between Language (language) and Speaking (parole). Noam Chomsky (1957) uses the terms competence and perfomance to refer to more or less the same point. The focus of the general study of semantics is on studying the normal pattern of semantics.

Speaker Meaning versus Word/Sentence Meaning
Speaker meaning is what a speaker means when he utters a piece of language. Word/Sentence meaning is what a word/sentence means. Sentences are not always give information at all, but the sentences can make various social relationships. The social relationships can be either courteous or hostile.

Semantic Theory
Semantics is an attempt to set up a theory to meaning. Hurford and Heasley (1984: 8) state that “A theory is a precisely specified, coherent, and economical frame-work of interdependent state-ments and definitions constructed so that as large a number as possible of particular basic facts can either be seen to follow from it or be describable in terms of it”.

Aristotle (384-322 B. C.), the Greek philosopher, can be regarded as a forerunner of modern semantics, because he was concerned with the same general areas that concern modern semanticists.

Take From : Prof. Soekemi.